For you and the people in your life, living with hearing loss can be difficult to adjust to. It can also come with some dangers. What happens if a fire alarm is sounding or somebody is yelling out your name but you’re unable to hear them? Car sounds can indicate dangers ahead, but if you […]
Hearing loss can seriously effect how you live, even when it’s mild. There will be a considerable change in the way you communicate with loved ones, friends, and coworkers. It can become difficult to perform daily tasks like going shopping. But that doesn’t mean it needs to be all doom and gloom. On the contrary, […]
If you start talking about dementia at your next family gathering, you will most likely put a dark cloud above the entire event. Dementia isn’t a topic most individuals are intentionally looking to discuss, mainly because it’s rather scary. Dementia, which is a degenerative cognitive condition, makes you lose touch with reality, experience memory loss, […]
You go into the kitchen and you look for a snack. Do you want something salty… maybe some crackers? Potato chips sound good! There’s a leftover piece of cheesecake that would be delightful. On second thought, maybe you should just have a banana. Of course, a banana is a much better health choice. When it […]
No two instances of hearing loss are identical Just because two individuals have the same hearing loss condition doesn’t mean they will have precisely the same experience. No two cases of hearing loss are precisely identical. While you might be able to relate to somebody else with hearing loss, keep in mind that your hearing […]
Gatherings. More, and more family gatherings. It probably feels like you’re meeting or reuniting with every relative you have, every weekend, during the holiday season. The holiday season can be fun (and also challenging) for this reason. Usually, it’s easy to look forward to this yearly catching up. You get to reunite with everyone and […]
You get to your company’s annual holiday party and you’re immediately assaulted by noise. The din of shouted conversations, the clanging of glasses, and the throbbing beat of music are all mixing in your ears. It makes you miserable. You can’t hear a thing in this loud setting. You can’t keep up with conversations, you […]
While everybody has dealt with a runny nose, we don’t often talk about other kinds of cold symptoms because they’re less frequent. One kind of cold you don’t often hear about is the one that goes into one or more ears. While you might generally consider colds as harmless, here’s why this ear-related cold symptom […]
After months (maybe even years) of waiting, you’ve finally decided to contact us to see if you need hearing aids. Like many other people, you’ve been resisting this. But the hassle, the lost moments, the missing conversations, they all finally became too much. So it’s a bit discouraging when you’re sitting in the hearing specialist’s […]
It’s hard to comprehend but most individuals have gone more than ten years without getting a hearing test. One of those people is Harper. She reports to her doctor for her annual medical test and has her teeth cleaned every six months. She even replaces her timing belt every 6000 miles. But her hearing test […]