Do you have ringing in your ears that’s driving you crazy? Learn whether your tinnitus is inherited or what the cause may be. What is tinnitus? A ringing, buzzing, or droning in the ears with no outside cause of the noise is a condition called tinnitus. The word tinnitus translates to “ringing like a bell.” […]
There are lots of ways to feel younger. But protecting your hearing is one way that is frequently overlooked. For years, enhancing and increasing your life has been connected to a healthy diet and exercise. It also helps counter heart disease, cancer, and improves weight control. But staying healthy and youthful also relies on good […]
Some activities are just staples of summer: Outdoor concerts, fireworks shows, state fairs, air shows, and NASCAR races (look, if you enjoy watching cars drive around in circles, nobody’s going to judge you). As more of these activities return to something like normal, the crowds, and the decibel levels, are getting larger. But sometimes this […]
Hearing loss can be brought on by many things and is generally very aggravating. There are some situations where hearing loss is a consequence of a more severe underlying health condition and isn’t just the result of an injury or aging. These are some hearing loss red flags you should look for There are varieties […]
Hearing aids are intended to help compensate for your individual hearing loss problem. If your hearing aids are giving you headaches or any other type of discomfort, whether you’ve been using them for years or you’re a new user, there’s a solution. If your hearing aid is properly adjusted it will meet your individual needs […]
Does it seem as if your hearing aid batteries drain way too quickly? Here are a few unexpected reasons that may occur. So how long should the charge on my hearing aid battery go? From 3 to 7 days is the standard period of time for charge to last. That’s a very wide range. So […]
In conversation with friends, you like to be polite. You want your customers, colleagues, and supervisor to see that you’re completely engaged when you’re at work. With family, you might find it easier to simply tune out the conversation and ask the person near you to fill in what you missed, just a bit louder, […]
You’re having a Zoom call with your granddaughter and you’ve been waiting for it all week! You’ll be able to get caught up, check-in, and, laugh. But when the call starts, you are mortified to realize, you can’t hear what your loved ones are saying. You’re wearing your hearing aids but things still sound muffled. […]
Crackling in your ear? A condition known as tinnitus can cause you to hear buzzing, crackling, whooshing, or other sounds in your ears. Here’s what you need to know. Do you hear phantom noises like thumping, buzzing, or ringing in your ears? If you have hearing aids, it can mean that they need to be […]
As we get older we begin to have trouble hearing clearly and we typically just accept it as a normal part of the aging process. Maybe we need to ask people to speak up or repeat themselves when they talk. Maybe the volume on our TV keeps getting louder. We may even notice that we’re […]