You have a ringing in your ears and it’s not getting any better, if anything it’s getting worse. At first, you could barely hear it. But you’ve noticed how loud and constant the tinnitus noises have become after an entire day on the job at a construction site. Sometimes, it sounds like ringing or other […]
Your last family get-together was frustrating. It wasn’t because of family drama (this time). No, the source of the stress was simple: it was loud, and you couldn’t hear a thing. So you didn’t get the chance to ask about Dave’s new kitten or Sally’s new job. And that was really irritating. You try to […]
You’ve been waiting for this day for quite a while. You got your new hearing aids. You’re finally going to be able to get back into the swing of your social life again. No more missed transitions or confused conversations. But your hearing aids just don’t seem quite right. That’s because it’ll probably take you […]
As a swimmer, you love going in the water. When you were younger, everyone said you were part fish because you liked to swim so much the pool was your second home. Today, the water sounds a little… louder… than usual. And then you recognize your oversight: you went in the pool with your hearing […]
Your ability to hear is valuable – once it’s gone, the chance of getting it back in its natural form is slim to nil. But curiously, the general public tends to neglect hearing loss. In fact, permanent hearing loss affects one out of eight individuals (about 30 million people) over the age of 12 in […]
When you think about hearing aids, intimacy probably isn’t the first thing you think about. We get it. The advertising on these little devices is rather straightforward. Love, on the other hand, is something better suited for music, poetry, and art. And yet, the two are closely linked to the point where you might want […]
It’s commonly said that hearing loss is a gradual process. That’s why it can be quite insidious. Your hearing doesn’t deteriorate in big leaps but rather in tiny steps. So if you’re not paying close attention, it can be hard to track the decrease in your hearing. For this reason, it’s important to be acquainted […]
Pain is your body’s means of delivering information. It’s not a very enjoyable approach but it can be beneficial. When that megaphone you’re standing next to goes too loud, the pain allows you to know that major ear damage is happening and you instantly (if you’re smart) cover your ears or remove yourself from that […]
If you cut yourself, that cut will heal. If you stub your toe, it might feel bruised and swollen but the inflammation will subside, and you’ll feel better in a little while. Even a broken bone will mend if correctly set. But what if your hearing is damaged? Does the inner ear heal itself? Will […]
An estimated 50% of people 75 or older have some form of hearing loss and that’s why most people think of it as a problem for older people. But research demonstrates that younger individuals are at risk for hearing loss – and, alarmingly, they’re losing their hearing in spite of the fact that it’s totally […]