If you’ve got hearing aids, you should be able to hear, right? When they aren’t working properly, it can be thoroughly frustrating, it’s a real “You had ONE job” scenario. Luckily, your hearing aids should have no issue doing their job if you properly maintain them. Go through this list before you do anything rash. […]
The real problem with chronic tinnitus is not just that you have a ringing in your ears. It’s the continuous non-stop ringing, that’s the real issue. Initially, this may be a moderate noise that’s not much more than a little annoying. But after a day or a week or a month, that ringing or buzzing […]
One of hearing loss’s most perplexing mysteries may have been solved by scientists from the famed Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), and the future design of hearing aids may get an overhaul based on their findings. Results from an MIT study debunked the idea that neural processing is what allows us to pick out voices. […]
Technology is developing into stronger, smarter, and smaller devices. Being smaller while having more functionality is the general trend. So it’s not surprising that hearing aids are no different. Though hearing problems have a number of causes, hearing problems are more prevalent amongst older people, and the world’s population is getting older. Around 37.5 million […]
The saying “Music to my ears” could soon have a very different meaning for people suffering from hearing impairment. Researchers at the University of Helsinki and the University College London examined the effects of musical experiences on hearing loss in children and the outcome of the study illustrated the impact and benefit received by exposing […]
The air filled with the pleasing smells of cinnamon and nutmeg. Brightly colored lights of red, blue, and green fill your home with a joyful spirit. You love catching up with your family members as your grandchildren sing, dance and play. The holidays are lively, and you don’t want to miss a beat. Are you […]
The holidays are upon us, and large family get-togethers and meals in crowded restaurants can prove especially tough for people with hearing loss. Not only do multiple people often talk at once in these settings, but they also elevate their voices to be heard over one another. It becomes even harder for individuals who have […]
Susan is living the active lifestyle she always knew she would in retirement. She travels a lot and at 68 she’s been to more than a dozen countries and is planning a lot more trips. On any given day, you might find her out on the lake, tackling a new hiking trail with the grandchildren, […]
Ever ask yourself “what would it actually be like to use hearing aids”? How does a hearing aid feel when you have one on, what is the sound like, and what does it feel like in your ears are all questions you may want to ask someone who already has hearing aids? If you truly […]